Thursday, July 26, 2012

Society Obsessed by Numbers

Exercising but aren't losing weight? Obsessed with counting each and every calorie you put in your mouth?

You might be caught in the 'numbers game.'

“Our society is obsessed by numbers, rules and strict diet plans, all so we can fit into the ‘accepted’ body image, size and look,” says Angela Lutz, a personal trainer and life coach with more than a decade of experience in the health and fitness industry. “And it really only leads to a society of people suffering from negative body images and beliefs. We have to break free from that outlook."

Lutz explains her philosophy - as well as other tips on avoiding "disorderly eating" in her new health guide, Bound by Numbers.

Bound by Numbers is a thoughtful approach to healthy living that begins by addressing internal issues first. Based on extensive research and real-life examples,  readers will learn how to jump off the treadmill of harmful ideas and jump into a brand-new life free from the past.

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